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the last kings of shangai

This is where the Globalist Oligarchs

are directing human evolution to:

Exposing Gang Stalking


































































When One Becomes a Targeted Individual

Electronic Analytical Picture

Technical Surveillance Techniques

Attack is the best form of Defence

The Targeted Individuals Toolkit for Phyiscal and Psychological Well Being

Physical Exercise


This section aims to give the Targeted Individual the basic methods and tools required to expose the harassment that they have been subjected to. Each of the members at are former professional soldiers with a combined experience of over 250 years of extensive combat and surveillance experience in theatres such as Northern Ireland, Europe, Russia, ME and Africa to name a few.  However we were each unprepared for the myriad of dirty tactics deployed by the government against us for peacefully campaigning on behalf of soldiers who had become sick from the Gulf War vaccines. Our aim is to provide you from our experiences what we consider to be the most effective methods of dealing with Covert Warfare against civilians.

Overt surveillance and harassment is designed to break down a Target physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually over a period of time. The methods and tactics used to do this are covered in the section Gang Stalking and Harassment Methods.  All of the counter measures we advocate are proven to be effective from our application of them. However for them to be most effective we recommend that they are used together. Some of the methods may seem unusal though they have proven to be successful with most of our group members. The only method we do not provide information on is effective strategies for dealing with Directed Energy Weapons which can be found elsewhere, such as the book sectio titled  Coherent Madness: Effective Defence Against Covert Warfare by Mukazo Mukazo Vunda.

When one becomes the unwarranted attention of a government or non-government organisations the immediate aim of the organisation is to stop you continuing in the direction that has caused you to become Targeted in the first place. Whether that is because you are a whistleblower, an activist, a campaigner, social justice activist etc or you were identified as a child as being influental to your peer group in Pre-Emptive Intelligence Strategies,  the most fundamental position of the organisation is to stop you in your tracks by breaking you down. However, in more and more cases of covert warfare there are pre-emptive strategies in place to actually counter a threat an individual may be in the future which is aimed at preventing future leaders such as an up and coming Malcolm X from materialising by deploying what is termed "Information & Influence Operations" to prevent them ever materialising as a threat in the "future". (See Blog on Home Page ).


The methods that we describe below are most appropriate for individuals or groups who are either currently being Targeted and intimadated and/or have been for a period of time although the information is useful to any activist, campaigner, whistleblower or target.


To counter the technical aspect of the surveillance it is recommended that the Target only switches on their mobile phone when it is neccessary to use it and then switching it off again and removing the battery. The mobile phones microphone and camera can be remotely operated by another person(and network) from distance even when switched off. If the individual is being targeted by a government/corporate entity they have the neccessary capabilities to authorise mobile phone network providers to anonymously download software to the individuals phone to access all of the information stored on the mobile phone and to also activate the camera and microphone to use as a monitoring device. (The network provider can  download an application without the recipients approval or knowledge). A mobile phone can also be used to increase microwaves that can make a target experience the effects of microwave sickness.  


The object of counter surveillance is to make it difficult for the covert surveillance operators to surveill the target and if possible, lose them altogether, most of the time. When one has become a Target, and depending on how far the organisation is willing to go to distinguish the threat the Target poses, the Targets aim to is become invisable and leave as few "electronic prints" as is feasibliy possible.


To render vehicle and listening devices inoperable it is possible to purchase a GPS and frequency blocker. A frequency jammer can also be purchased to block audio/visual equipment that has been covertly hidden in the Targets home at very reasonable prices.

Its also recommended to never walk/drive the same way to work, meetings, social evenings etc. If the organisation has deemed the Target to be a threat they may authorise that they recieve some form of attack and alternating patterns of movement from A to B would reduce the likihood of an attack and it would also assist the Target with experience and awareness to be vigilant if a vehicle/person is following them.



For the switched on Targeted Individual if they have adopted the correct counter surveillance practices they will be making life very difficult for the surveillance teams. They never go the same way to work or meetings etc, they've become surveillance aware and are able to identify with ease if they are being followed and can use sufficient counter surveillance measures. They are paying in cash for all purchases and use a GPS/audio/visual frequency blockers in their vehicle and at home. They dont frequently use the same computer terminal and they communicate with their friends/associates/aquaintences face to face in differing locations if feasably possible.


It is advisable that the Target uses cash to pay for ALL of their purchases as to leave no electronic record. A surveillance team would need to be in close proximity at all times to monitor the Target to gather information on habits, patterns, routines and behaviours which for an low level activist/campaigner/whistleblower may not be authorised for the ammount of personel needed to mount a full covert surveillance operation. The aim is to obviously remain 'invisable'.


It is also advised that the Target only uses their computer for tasks not associated to them recieving unwarranted attention from the organisation. For e.g. if the Target is an activist, it would be recomended that the Target uses several computers to orchestrate their activist lifestyle and to use them at irregular intervals so as not to make a habit and pattern that can be analysed and monitored. It is also recommended that the target becomes proficient at concealing their internet traffic by using software such as Tor and other methods of concealing their computer related activities. Edward Snowden has provided sufficient information on the technical apsects of computer encrytion.


For the majority of people who become Targeted Individuals the organisation will only take limited actions in acquiring a electronic surveillance information and actual physical surveillance of an individual. The majority of Targeted Individuals will experience some form of interaction by the organisation such as intimidation as explained in the harassment methods section of this website with the aim to prevent them continuing in the direction that is making them a threat to the organisation in the first place. They may be placed on notification lists, blacklists and databases selecting them as undesirables and be subjected to various methods and tactics of covert warfare. However the seriousness of covert warfare should not be underestimated. People are being eliminated using covert tactics in the UK and in each and every country on a daily basis. However it seems the main aim in a majority of circumstances is to break down a targeted individual in an attempt to destroy them psychologically. A analysis of Stasi style decomposition  and zersetzung will would provide further understanding to this subject.  


We have each individually observed from our own experience is that whatever harassment methods were deployed against us, whether they were physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual attacks whenever we exposed publicly what was happening to us, the harassment diminished and in a lot of cases completely stopped.

Most people have access to a computer these days and typing up leaflets on A4 paper of why you have been targeted, by whom and providing information on the reasons why is going to assist the Targeted individual immensely. We would refrain from actually mentioning the tactics and methods being used as this could be used to suggest that the Targeted Individual is suffering from paranoia and/or other mental illnesses. We advise printing out hundreds/thousands of leaflets even starting off with a few dozen would suffice. Handing these out in your immediate vicinity, to neighbours, friends, work collegues and all other people that you associate with in fitness groups, community groups, social evenings etc is going to go some way to exposing the harassment the Target is under. The more people that know what you are experiencing the more chance the Targeted Individual has of expanding their support network, rather than allowing the organisation to diminish it by infiltration and by using slander,  lies and other tactics.




Type up a simple petition and go around your neighbourhood collecting signitures whilst at the same time handing out leaflets that have been printed up on why you have been targeted. Standing outside the local council offices would also assist in exposing the harassment as well as the local police station if they are involved in using informants for the harassment campaign against the Target. If possible take volunteers with you.




It would be highly beneficial if the Targeted Individual acquire the assistance of neighbours, family members, work colleagues, friends and set up a support group and network. It would also be advisable to contact local and regional civil liberties and human rights groups and seek their assistance and support. The group could meet on a regular basis and orchestrate handing out leaflets, collecting signitures for a petition, having your photographs taken outside the organisations offices that are targeting the Targeted Individual. There are alot of options available if this route is taken.




Once you have a few hundred signitures on your petition make arrangements to see your local councillor and Member of Parliament. Seeking their support of your cause will go a long way in exposing the organisation that is conducting the harassment. Public officials may not support you but keep to regularly meeting with them and getting them to work for you.

Start a Petition

Start A Support Group

The Focused Targeted Individual

Gain the Support of Local Councillors and your local Member of Parliament

Speak to local Journalists

Speaking with local journalists hopefully with the support of elected members of the council/parliament and a petition will give your story merit. However Targets do experience difficulties with newspapers but do not EVER give up.




When one becomes targeted and is being harassed and intimidated it is very easy to become psychologically overwhelmed in a very short space of  time. ( See section "Symptoms of Harassment"). The tactics being deployed against a Targeted Individual may not be overtly noticeable to the Target. Covert methods may be being deployed though the Target will generally have a sixth sense that something doesnt seem quite right. (See Methods of Harassment).


It is imperative that a Targeted Individual remains psychologically empowered even though they may be suffering from frequent daily attacks. It is entirely normal for a Target to slip into denial that they are actually being Targeted as the attacks maybe so subtle.  They may also doubt it, start to feel guilt and may even feel they warrant the harassment. They may even start to not trust the people around them, may begin to experience physical and psychological symptoms and may even resort to substance abuse and start to isolate themselves. This is a entirely normal reaction to an abnormal situation. DO NOT ISOLATE YOURSELF.

Keeping your friends, family, associates and acquaintances informed of your harassment will diminish the effects that the harassment has psychologically and physically. It will also reduce the harassment if used with the other recommendations we advocate as the organisation that is conducting the covert warfare upon the Targeted Individual intends to keep it covert, and if the Targeted Individual is exposing it, it is no longer covert and the last thing the government/corporations/organisations want is for the public to learn of their Gestapo/Stasi like fascist tactics.




In the case of the government using the police and intelligence agencies to conduct covert warfare and Targeted Individuals are exposing their experinces in newspapers, leaflets etc...the general population will begin to be aware that the Police State in the UK has more in common with the Gestapo and the East German Secret Police State the Stasi than what the British people expect of its government. For this reason alone, exposing covert warfare will remain to be the most appropriate method for the Targeted Individual as the government, police and intelligence agencies are all involved and the government wishes to keep its  practices of covert warfare against its citizens a guarded secret.


All of the above counter measures work in exposing the harassment and intimidation a Targeted Individual may be experiencing. Keeping quiet and being in a state of emotional  and psychological despair does nothing but continue the intimidation and ongoing tactics to isolate and break down an individual over a period of time. It took us as former professional soldiers  a long time to find an effective solution to the continous harassment we were faced with. We found individually and collectively that these methods not only worked but reduced the amount of harassment considerbly. The intention of the organisation is to conduct covert warfare (slow kill), or death by a thousand cuts, against the Targeted Individual.

Avoid Isolation (If possible)

When the covert warfare is no longer covert and it is being publicly exposed by the Targeted Individual, and it is out in the open, the organisation or government that is conducting these operations will more than likely cease them as the organisation does not at ANY point want the public to be aware of what they are conducting. We would also suggest that the Targeted Individual continues exposing the harassment over a sustained period as from our experience, a little exposure initially ceased the harassment/intimidation/gang stalking although it started again with more ferocity once we had stopped. Sustained exposure is the name of the game.


Exposure --- Develop a Website or Blog

intel analytics

When one becomes the intial object of attention by an organisation and depending on the category that they are placed in, the primary action that is taken is to access all the targets electronic records and technical surveillance strategies are implemented to provide a electronic map of the individuals activities. All of the Targets phone records (landline and mobile) will be accessed and a  GPS analytics picture will be completed. Bank accounts, credit cards, nector cards, store cards, internet traffic and so on will also be accessed. Depending on the level of authority and connections of the organisation, a backlog of the Targets mobile phone (and or Satnav) GPS analytics can be accessed which will show where the Target has previously frequented on most occasions.

The secondary phase may also incorporate vehicle surveillance to physically monitor the Target 24/7 which will involve vehicle monitoring using an attached vehicle tracking device or by using the Targets mobile phone or sat ellite navigation system. A listening device may also be inserted into the Targets vehicle. Access to the Targets living quarters may also be required to place devices such as audio/visual equipment. The Target may also be physically monitored on foot by a surveillance team.


The video on the left gives a basic premise of vehicle surveillance strategies. It is an old film although the basics are still relevant. Modern vehicle surveillance will use GPS tracking (targets mobile phone, sat nav,tracking device). However, using a GPS JAMMER would require the surveillance team to use traditional methods as described in this video.


Vehicle Surveillance

This following video shows how easy it is to track a Target using simple yet effective software. The software is able to gather vast ammounts of information about people from websites including Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare. The software was developed to build a national security system capable of analysing "trillions of entities" from cyberspace.


The software can gain an entire snapshot of a person's life – their friends, the places they visit charted on a map – in little more than a few clicks of a button.


Phone surveillance in now more commonly carried out on mobile phones. This is become increasingly easy with the availability of mobile phone monitoring software. This software can be easily purchased over the internet and can be quickly installed in any phone that the person has access to. Law enforcement and even local councils these days can apply to the Targets mobile phone network provider to anonymously download software which would enable the microphone to be activated, calls to be recorded and even obtain access to the caller  history, friends list and text messaging etc. The camera can also be activated and used to monitor the Targets environment.

stop wra

Targeted Individuals have been reporting that an existing technology is being used to target them. Information on this can be found in this link:









A great video clip of how to exercise, nutrition etc:





Implementing a solid balanced diet based on vegatables and fruits is essential for any person though is particularly important for someone under stress. If it grows from the ground, or is picked from a tree, its going to be great for you. If it comes in a packet with additives, sugars and salts chances are its going to cause physiological damage.





Meditation and mindfulness are very good ways of bringing psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual balance into our lives. A daily meditation schedule is recommended for long term benefits.  A audio CD will assist the beginner with developing their inner ability towards meditation. We would recommend John Kabat-Zinn's books are



In 1998, extrajudicial executions were carried out in 47 countries, 'disappearances' occurred in 37 countries, torture occurred in 125 countries, prisoners of conscience were held in 78 countries, unfair trials for political prisoners occurred in 35 countries, detentions without charge or trial occurred in 66 countries, executions were carried out in 36 countries, and human rights abuses were committed by armed opposition groups in 37 countries.

The Covert War on British Citizens © 2012 All Rights Reserved  


A lady from Southern England sent us this link for this video by Emeli Sande (Read all about it) as she thought it was a song that would inspire Targeted Individuals.

A song of inspiration

A funny story from the use of one the programming techniques is from of one of our members. Every time he was harassed he would use a technique to reprogram his physical responses to become sexually aroused rather than feel physiologically hypervigilent and  intimidated when he was harassed by police surveillance and gang stalking teams etc. He slightly over used the technique using feelings of sexual arousal rather than happiness and calmness and he then never did mind getting harassed.  He actually looked forward to it and eventually had to seek counselling therapy for sexual arousel addiction to police harassment. This is a true story...



This link is for an article that was in the Daily Mail for improving concentration:



We highly endorse the books written by Glenn Harrold and Paul McKenna and the reprogramming methods.





The application of the above psychological and physical tools will enable a Targeted Individual to be able to better defend themselves from the majority of covert warfare tactics and enable a Targeted Individual to remain in good health. Used in conjunction with the other methods that have been described they will enable the Targeted Individual to not only adapt and compromise, but to actually overcome, resist and counter the covert war being waged against the


Good luck.



Note: several chapters of the new book will focus on dozens of counter measures not included in this section. (Delayed yet again due to Covid-19).

Overt Surveillance/Harassment

The Switched On Target Individual

Handing Out Leaflets

Keep Your Family, Friends, Associates and Acquaintances Informed

It is all too easy when one is bombarded with daily attacks to sink into an anxious and stressful states of mind. The stress builds up and not before too long the Targeted Individual may start to experience headaches, concentration problems, shortness of breath, feelings of panic and other symptoms associated to stress and anxiety. (See Symptoms of harassment). To keep on top of stress levels we have found that being aware of all the anti-stress and anxiety techniques and applying them into ones life enables the Targeted Individual to get on with their life whilst under frequent attacks in a much more calm and focused manner.


Tips for dealing with stress:


Tips for dealing with anxiety:


Book - CBT for Paranoia:


Buteyko Breathing:


Toxic People:




The main aims of covert warfare is to attack an individual using psychological, emotional, physical  and spiritual means. The methods and tactics we have covered are the psychological and emotional methods. To assist the Targeted Individual in preventing them to succumb to the targeting we suggest the following which when applied will reduced the psychological and physical symptoms  a Target is experiencing.


Psychic Self Defense

Ruling monarchs, religious institutions, organisations and governments have been retaining the abilities of psychics for centuries, and some even have their own schooling systems which is a historically documented fact. In todays modern world of technology, psychics still have an important role similar to what their standing was 500 years ago. For the Targeted Individual, it would not be uncommon for a psychic to be involved in some aspects of their monitoring, harassment and /or manipulation and influencing. To thoroughly cover psychic self defence would require a entire page which we will eventually get around to. In the meantime, these links will provide some information to gain an understanding and awareness of psychics.


It is a well known fact that physical exercise, particularly the arduous kind is extremely good for your physical and mental well being. For someone under psychological attack exercising arduosuly each day for at least 30 minutes will reduce stress and anxiety levels considerably. One of the aims of covert warfare is to increase stress and anxiety levels by initiating psychological/physical attacks. When the body is under psychological/emotional stress it produces stress chemicals and if these build up over a period of time they will cause symptoms to develop. So in effect, keeping a Target under continuous stress mobilises the Targets own body against itself by producing symptoms which can 'feel' horrendous. The benefits of exercise to reduce stress are well known and information can be found here:




Mindfulness is a mind-body based approach that helps people change the way they think and feel about their experiences, especially stressful experiences.


Mindfulness exercises or mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) are ways of paying attention to the present moment, using techniques like meditation, breathing and yoga. Mindfulness training helps us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings so that instead of being overwhelmed by them, we're better able to manage them.


It's been known for millennia that the way we think and the way we handle how we feel plays a big part in mental health. Taking a mindfulness course can give people more insight into their emotions, boost their attention and concentration and improve relationships.


Mindfulness meditation has been shown to affect how the brain works and even its structure. People undertaking mindfulness training have shown increased activity in the area of the brain associated with positive emotion – the pre-frontal cortex – which is generally less active in people who are depressed.


More than 100 studies have shown changes in brain wave activity during meditation and researchers have found that areas of the brain linked to emotional regulation are larger in people who have meditated regularly for five years.

Meditation is different to mindfullness in that it is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself. Mindfullness is paying attention t the present moment which can be used as a conponent to mediation and used outside of meditation practice.

Meditation often involves an internal effort to self-regulate the mind in some way. Meditation can help clear the mind and ease many health issues, such as high blood pressur , depression, and anxiety to name a few. It may be done sitting, or in an active way, for instance Buddhist monks involve awareness in their day-to-day activities as a form of mind-training. Prayer beads or other ritual objects are commonly used during meditation in order to keep track of or remind the practitioner about some aspect of the training. Meditation may involve generating an emotional state for the purpose of analyzing that state — such as anger, hatred, etc. — or cultivating particular mental response to various phenomena, such as compassion. The term "meditation" can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state. In brief, there are dozens of specific styles of meditation practice; the word meditation may carry different meanings in different contexts. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity.


Meditation has been linked to a variety of health benefits which for the Targeted Individual can be like trying to find rocking horse shit.


All of our group members who practised meditation and mindfullness together with physical exercise  all stated they experienced an increase in health vitality and energy and were able to more easily adapt and handle the experiences of their targeting with greater ease.

Anxiety, Stress and Psychological Well Being


Simply, we are what we eat. For the body and mind to function at optimal levels, eating nutrient rich foods is essential, especially for someone who is under differing states of duress which you would expect of a targeted individual. If it grows from the earth, eat it, if it doesnt............


Keeping hydrated is also an essential conponent. 2-3litres of preferably filtered water per day or even distilled water which can be re-mineralised with pink himalyan salt.


Many of our members started to use techniques developed by Glenn Harrold and Paul McKenna. They found that by applying the techniques such as reprogramming they were able to avoid the trap of falling into emotional and psychological pitfalls when they were experiencing the varying methods of harassment. For e.g. when confronted by several stalkers, our members were tempted to retaliate, which was the aim the organisation was hoping to accomplish as then they could be arrested and made out to be mentally ill, violent, agressive etc. Instead they used a technique that whenever they were provoked and harassed they would rub their thumb and forefinger together and activate a feeling and memory of happiness and calmness.

Mental Conditioning-Reprogramming


Each and every time they were then harassed, they would use the same technique which would embed the feeling of happiness and calmness each time the thumb and forefinger were pressed together. This technique could also be used in visualisation exercises by just imagining being harassed and using the technique. With time and application, every time we were harassed we would apply the finger and forefinger technique and  automatic feelings of happiness and calmness  would be evoked.


Reprogramming in this way can be used in many situations of harassment and intimidation that a Targeted Individual experiences.  

Funny Story


Excuse the 1970s's retro porn music

dragon court

Sustained exposure is the name of the game.


Anxiety No More - Paul David

For many Targets they may succumb over time to the life changing experiences of being targeted from the increased levels of stress and anxiety. We have found that Paul David's website and books have proven to be very successful with hundreds of our members and is worth considering for those who experience high anxiety and stress.  

counter meassures ti


Counter Measures - The Basics


Many Targeted individuals, after sometimes years of ongoing harassment may feel bewildered that they have been targeted by government or non-government organisations. Due to the harassment methods and tactics being deployed against them, and intimidated by the fear of what reprisals may occur if they stood up for themselves, they would rather comply with what they know is unreasonable and sink further deeper into the chains of destructive oppression than stand up for themselves. Many individuals have ended up in a isolated position and the last thing they want to do is to give the harassers what they think may be a legitimate reason to harass them even further,  for what may have been just attending a protest rally, signing  a petition, writing to their MP to complain against a government policy, for being a whistleblower, activist or even from being targeted since childhood. Approximately 70% of Targeted Individuals do not know why they have been targeted.





Page created in 2012


Page links updated Oct 2021

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