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the crowhouse


the last kings of shangai

This is where the Globalist Oligarchs

are directing human evolution to:





In May of 2017 we added a geovisit page counter to ONE PAGE of our website in order to understand from which countries people were accessing our website from. We had a fairly good idea of which countries had become malevolent police surveillance states and we were intrigued to know the extent of the problem globally. What we discovered was what we pretty much expected, but we were astonished by the geovisits statistics map.


The below statistics (red dots) are based on approximately 18,000 views to ONE PAGE of this website over a 7 month period. The views to the entire website during the same 7 month period were over 150,000. The red dots therefore only represent aprroximately 12% of the page views.


This map below shows the location of where one page of our website was accessed from in the United States over a 7 month period from May - Dec 2017.

This map below shows the UK and Europe, and the one below is communist China where our website is banned.

stats new china india



As this website is only available in english we expected to have a high volume of visits from english speaking countries which is the case, although we did not expect to see visits from all areas of the USA and the UK, as well as all across Europe.


If the citizens of East Germany, under the rulership of the communist regime and their oppressive state security apparatus had access to a website to assist them in their struggle for political, psychological and spiritual freedom from the 1950's to 1989, we would expect to see the same geovisit statistics map that we see today in the United States, the UK and Europe. People from all over western civilized nations are accessing our website which we are suggesting provides some proof of how malevolent the global surveillance system has already become.



The Berlin Wall may have fallen, but the agenda of the global elites, who equate to less than 0.1% of the global population are forging ahead with their centuries old agenda to convert the planet into a worldwide open prison, to completely enslave the human race. We are at war....




What will you do?


usa stats nov 2018


uk stats nov 2018




It appears that one person in communist China accessed our website, which we assume was the Harvard educated head

of state surveillance, who then banned our website, so we are now developing a website purely for the chinese communists in mandarin ;-)

land of the free
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